Students will become more knowledgeable of the hazards that are connected with working in an H2S environment through the completion of this course. The training is suitable for personnel at both the entry level and the managerial level of the organization. Training in H2S familiarization is recommended by consensus standards for all individuals working in areas where there is a possibility of coming into contact with hydrogen sulfide levels that are higher than the permissible Threshold Limit Value (TLV). The training program has been designed in accordance with a variety of standards, including ANSI Z390.1, API, RP55, and API RP49. According to these guidelines, yearly training refreshers are obligatory. Before beginning work in a setting where the condition is present, all of the individuals who could be impacted by these criteria should first get training.
It is the responsibility of businesses to ensure that their employees receive training from an H2S professional. Each year, participants are expected to complete training that is considered to be “refresher” training, and it is recommended that all training records be kept for at least one year. Due to a lack of awareness about hydrogen sulfide, the deaths of a great number of people have occurred. Training in H2S awareness is given so that people are made aware of the dangers associated with H2S. The goal of this training is to lessen, if not completely do away with, injuries and deaths that may have been avoided. These dangers are manageable as long as adequate training is received.
- What is Hydrogen Sulfide?
- How is Hydrogen Sulfide formed?
- Locations
- Properties and Characteristics
- Exposure Limits
- Work Procedures
- Exposure Limits
- Work Procedures
- Detection Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Emergency Response
- Well site Safety
- Summary
1 day (Theory & Practical)
This class can also be given in-house, with a maximum of 15 participants per session if prior arrangements are made.